Friday, October 14, 2011

Need an 'escort'? Apple's new iPhone voice control pre-programmed to find you prostitutes, users find

Users contributed screenshots of the 'joke' to a website, S**t that Siri Says - including the screenshot of Siri finding escort services in response to the query 'I am horny'
Users contributed screenshots of the 'joke' to a website, S**t that Siri Says - including the screenshot of Siri finding escort services in response to the query 'I am horny'
Apple's new Siri voice-control system includes a pre-programmed response that brings up contacts for local prostitutes, sorted by how near they are to you using the phone's GPS system.
If you say, 'I am horny' or 'Do I make you horny?' to the handset, it brings up numbers of nearby 'escort' services.
Other requests for escorts bring up statements including 'Bad Boy! Looking for escorts', users found.
If you ask the handset for hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin, the handset recommends nearby rehab centres instead.
None of the responses related to using prostitutes appears to offer similar advice.
The 'service' is supposedly a joke, built into the software as an 'Easter Egg' by the developers.
'Easter Eggs' are hidden features built into videogames, DVDs and videogames - in Siri, most of these are geeky jokes.

For instance, saying 'Open the pod bay doors' brings up a message saying 'I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave,' - a reference to the villainous computer HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Apple's new iPhone ships with a built-in personal assistant, Siri. You press the central button to activate voice control, or lift the phone to your ear and start talking
Apple's new iPhone ships with a built-in personal assistant, Siri. You press the central button to activate voice control, or lift the phone to your ear and start talking
At present, the 'service' only works in America, as Siri's 'business' search is not enabled on handsets in the UK.
Searching for either hard drugs or prostitutes from the UK brings up an error saying that the phone can only find 'businesses' in the U.S.
Siri is currently in 'Beta' testing, officially, and the company has no official date for when the 'final' version will be live, allowing users to find 'businesses' worldwide.

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